It rained today

City people respond to rain very differently.

They didn’t wander outside to check that it’s real, and feel it on their skin. Nor did they stop what they were doing to gaze mesmerised at the heavier drops exploding against the glass and running in rivulets down the windowpanes. They didn’t greet people with a smile, optimism beaming from their faces, appreciating the beauty and wonder of every drop.

No — in the city people raced around, heads down, umbrellas up, sloshing across roads, cursing and dodging, leaping puddles and gutters, impatient to get where they were going, stopping for no-one. They jostled and pushed to be first on the bus, or furthest under the awning. They seemed oblivious to this precious, fragile resource and how valuable it is to their existence.

Yep, rain provokes a very different response in the city.